Saturday, February 10, 2018

Wonder Woman Theme Park

            Designing a theme park for Wonder Woman would be mind boggling on where to start or focus on.  Because her rich story, strong characteristics, and beliefs are so detailed and deep, I would construct this roller coaster as three different serves.  As the ride begins and work its way up the tracks, guest would be treated to video and audio of Wonder Woman’s early life, such as where she comes from, her training, how things she was taught to build up her character.  Depending on budget and scale, I would like to see the introduction of this ride through robotics.  Through this short beginning of the ride journey, I want the guest to take away equality and to stand up for what you believe in.
            Once we get to the top of the ride or the peak to drop, sort of like Sheikra at Busch Gardens, this would be a moment where the guest shift from the ‘boring’ lecture portion of the ride and to an instants drop.  This drop would be the moment Wonder Woman and the guest are ported from Wonder Woman’s homeland to some battle zone during WWII.  I would still want this portion as an inside roller coaster such as the Mummy at Universal Orlando.  I want this portion to be inside that way with projectors guest could continue learning about Wonder Women and her successes as a strong woman.  During the end of this phase, I would like to see Wonder Woman confront the antagonist who tries to break her down because of her gender.

            We would then transition the ride to something like Men in Black at Universal Orlando, so that guest could interact and feel a sort of accomplishment on taking down the antagonist in this ride.  The ride would end on Wonder Women giving the guest feedback and something positive to leave one wondering.

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