Monday, January 15, 2018

Week One: The Wife of Bath’s Prologue & Tale

Upon returning to the first day of classes for the spring semester, one of our first assignments was to read about The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale and with creating a blogger page.  The story itself was pretty interesting and a reflection to how women were treated and scene back during the Chaucer’s time, since they were a strong controlling factor.  The story begins with how a wife is open about her sexual life and has had several husbands.  Being an expect in marriage, love, and sex, she seems to have the knowledge in controlling her man.
In The Wife of Bath’s Tale this was more of an exemplum to help illustrate the idea into a story.  The tale is about providing an answer to what women most desire.  A knight is being punished for a raping a maiden.  A queen and ladies of the court determine the knight’s fate, which he is given a year to discover a women’s desire.  After a year passes with no luck, the knight riding back sees 24 maidens dancing & singing.  They disappear, the only female left behind is an old foul woman.  The ugly old woman helps the knight with his quest only if he will do what she demands for saving his life.  After the knight tells his correct answer to the queen, the old lady demands that she be his wife, the knight agrees.  The day of the wedding the knight confesses he does not like her looks, she reminds him of the cons that come with a beautiful woman.  Whereas the old lady’s current state of look, the knight won’t have to worry about other men going after her.  The old lady gives the knight a choice but he in tells the old lady the choice is hers.  They kiss and lived happily.
To this whole thing about women desiring power other men, I can’t say I agree.  I’m not married but from my previous relationships and my parents, I would say marriage should be a 50/50 thing or something else unique.  I would also the key to a successful happy marriage would be to understand one another and support each other through thick and thin.

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