Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 12: McLuhan and Media Future

 This week’s topic is about media and how Mcluhan help shape it.  Media has changed drastically over the years since it has started.  To get started media has to do with how individuals get their information.  Today we have options such as news outlets, social media, news papers, radio station, podcasting, films, and other mediums. 
In the beginning information was shared through cave paintings, later moving to paper and leaves.  Cave paintings don’t offer the best source of information, for starters you have to go to it to get informed.  With paper, scrolls, and leaves later used, this gave the opportunity to spread the information, only downside is the time it would take of arrival and the cost. 
Stepping into the contemporary, today we have various options to choose from.  At this price however, individuals can choose what information to receive.  If the information is off putting or something they wish not to believe in, we have the ability to choose one that is more targeted for the opposite audience.
When comparing early TV news media to todays, we can see a huge difference.  Some of the factors has to do with TV ratings and what is “hot” or “trendy” topic to talk about.  Majority news media compete to be the first to get on a “trendy” story.  If one is late, the best scenario is now to bend it to make it sound juicier, even if that means twisting some of the facts or creating complicated drawing headline.  One thing all TV news media do share is the agenda to get the story out.  All though we can get an news from where at anytime, it important for the individual to do some self research to sure you’re not readying misleading information.

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